The characteristic sexual secretion of the woman serves as a good indicator of his state of health. The allocation during intercourse, a phenomenon that is programmed by the nature. This process is quite complex. To understand where is the rule, and where the pathology, it is necessary to have a little bit of my knowledge. In some cases, the penalty is to guard against and to consult a doctor for advice, and sometimes of selection indicate that the health, everything is in order.

Characteristics of secretions during arousal
During intimacy, the more often the vagina moist. And that the more enhanced by an attraction to the gender of your partner, the more intense, stands out from the grease. It is a colourless mucus, which does not smell.
Generally, in women, representing approximately 5 ml of lubricant in the day. With the surge of excitement the secret begins to produce more intense. This is achieved thanks to the tide of blood to the walls vaginal, and the stimulation of the sexual glands. The sexual secretions are rare or abundant. Usually, the more fat is distinguished at the time of the peak of pleasure.
Similar to a secret performs simultaneously several important functions, it allows you to:
- make sex more comfortable, by facilitating the introduction and sliding;
- minimize the penetration of foreign micro organisms, forming a protection against germs and infections.
The lubrication also allows you to create a good environment for the sperm during the period of fertility. This increases the chances of conception.
A white liquid
Often, the women noticed during sex white thick consistency, similar to cream. On the forums the medical theme, normally, no one really can not give an explanation intelligible similar phenomenon. Many recommend that you go to a clinic and be tested for hiv. But the doctors say that white is a selection abundant during the sexual act must not frighten.
If the secret is different even consistency, has no smell and is not accompanied by itching or a burning sensation, no reason to pull the alarm. Gynecologists explain that this mucus is produced in certain days of the menstrual cycle. Hormones change all the time, the estrogen is more. These substances are both responsible for the nature freed from the mucus.
The grease is produced not only by the vagina but a uterus, such a secret called the mucus liquid. Through its sperm into the egg. In other words, this is the store for the seed, enables it to survive in an acidic environment, which is inherent in the vagina.
The phase of the menstrual cycle
The mucus released from the vagina, depends on in which phase of the sexual act. At the beginning of the cycle a secret a bit, it is transparent and stands out watery consistency. In this period, the mucus is a kind of barrier which is formed in the cervical canal. This tube retards pathogens, does not enter the uterus.
With the approach of the time of ovulation the hormone level increases, which has an impact on the body, particularly on the part of a system. At this time, a selection abundant in the rare privacy. Vaginal mucus acquires a viscous consistency and becomes alkaline. Fat acquires the odour of an egg, its color is white or cream.
When ovulation takes place, vaginal secretions differs in smaller quantities. On the characteristics of the sexual mucous, you can understand, what is the stage of fertility, and is it possible to conceive a child. Eager to figure out what time is most suitable for fertilization, it is necessary to pay attention to the nature of vaginal mucus:

- Meager selection are usually seen before the month and after them. The dryness of the vagina is said that fertilization is impossible.
- The gooey substance, quickly dried on his fingers, evidenced by the fact that spermatozoa have little chance of survival.
- Similar to the cream of mucus means an approximation of the ovulation period. At this time, the likelihood of becoming pregnant increases.
- Stringy selection of white color, like a protein, show that the likelihood of conception.
After ovulation, estrogen decreases as a result of which the neoplasia, the liquid loses its ability to maintain the seed. On the nature of the fat can influence and other factors:
- the violation of the substantive hormonal;
- stress frequent;
- the taking of medication;
- infectious diseases;
- allergies;
- the gynecological diseases;
- the disease of the legs.
If the fat is released during intimacy in large numbers, this does not mean that the health problems. To determine the volume of mucus likelihood of conception, you must enter two fingers deep into the vagina, get out and enjoy the liquid. Vaginal method may prove to be instructive only to the requirement of the absence of gynecological pathologies.
Often, the forces of selection at the sex show bacterial vaginosis. They may have a yellowish appearance, greenish or off-white hue. The liquid emits a smell of rotten fish. When the intimacy can disturb the itching and burning.
White mucus like cheese in consistency, with the smell of yogurt is often a sign of thrush (candidiasis). Smelly selection during intercourse may witness to the presence of these sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia.
If after sexual contact in women can happen a lot of fat, then such a secretion may be due to a mixture of vaginal secretions and the sperm of the male. Often, it is this mixture is different yellowish tint and emits a smell of egg. Generally, the liquid assumes no discomfort.
A selection abundant during the proximity may be associated with women hypersensitivity. Then, such a phenomenon is not due to a pathology. A small amount of lubricant during sexual intercourse may testify about the changes of the acid-base balance, or a change in the microflora. Sometimes the fat is not quite, the most common reason of this dryness is a hormonal failure.
Intimate hygiene
For the strengths of the selection is not tormented, it is necessary to observe simple rules of intimate hygiene. It is important to regularly take a shower, clean the genital organs special. These funds can be purchased in any pharmacy, they allow you to maintain the normal microflora and reduce the risk of developing thrush.
So, in the intimacy of the pussy of mucus by the sex glands. In the absence of pathologies-white liquid, can testify to the approach of the time of ovulation. It is necessary to pay attention to the nature of the secretion, and to change the colour, the smell and the consistency in time.

If he is concerned about itching or burning, it is best to consult a doctor and pass the necessary examinations. This will identify the true cause of the sensations that are uncomfortable and solve the problem.